The Swing at the End of the World

Thursday 20 March 2014
Hello, everybody ~ do you guys still remember me? Sorry for long time didn't share an amazing holiday destination for you guys, because I am busy on other assignments. Seriously, I feel so stress recently!>< 
So, I am looking for a place to release my stress! haha...
There will be The Swing at the End of the World...

swing at the end of the world

swing at the end of the world

Would you still remember your childhood when playing swing is the most attraction in playground? Even you already grown up now, you can not deny that you still love swinging?

swing at the end of the world

The swing in La Casa Del Arbol (The Treehouse) in Baños, Ecuador will give you different experience of  swinging! You can feel how the view Swinging in the end of the world!! 

swing at the end of the world

The swing’s unique location 2,600 meters above sea level offers visitors a beautiful and terrifying view of the Tungurahua Volcano. Although it might look like it hangs over a cliff, the swing actually just hangs over a steep slope. this swing maybe looks very dangerous, because when you slip from the swing it causes serious damage of falling from 2600 meters above, so this playful game only for adventurous and absolutely not for kids!!

swing at the end of the world

But that doesn't stop adventurous swingers from giving the swing at the end of the world a go. And it’s probably worth it, because the rush of adrenaline, the feeling of freedom, and the amazing surrounding views must be one-of-a-kind. 

swing at the end of the world

The fun did not stop in the swing, If you don’t dare enough to swing, there are a tree-house-La Casa Del Arbol that holding exactly on the top of tree, worth to climb there and you will see marvelous view of valley around them...

Would you dare to join me and try it? xD

Waitomo Glowworm Caves

Thursday 13 March 2014
Hi, good afternoon everybody!
Would you be ready to travel with me to a cave full of glow worms?

Just follow me^^
I will bring you reach to an unusual place - Waitomo Glowworm Caves

Lets imagine you're floating on a small wooden boat through a damp cave. It's completely dark inside, save for dots of light from the bodies of a thousand teensy blue insects. Their electric-looking selves create a Milky Way of color above your head!

No, you're not dreaming! You're in Waitomo, New Zealand!

The Waitomo Glowworm Grotto is home to Arachnocampa luminosa, a species of glowworm that lives only in New Zealand. An old Maori tribesman named Tane Tinorau discovered the cave in the 1800s, and he began offering tours to visitors in 1889.

On today's tours of Waitomo, you'll float through 250 meters of majestic caverns: the Catacombs (an entrance to the cave network), the Banquet Chamber (where olden-day visitors gathered for meals), and the Cathedral (where famous choirs have performed, due to its killer acoustics). You'll finish with a glimmering finale in the Glowworm Grotto, which feels like another universe entirely......What are yours feeling now?

Zhangye Danxia

Sunday 9 March 2014

Zhangye Danxia

Zhangye Danxia

Your eyes are not deceiving you! This layer cake of amazing colors is a real landscape located at Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park in Gansu Province, a remote region in northern central China. (‘Danxia’ is the name for a type of rock-form, ‘Zhangye’ being this particular location.)

Zhangye Danxia 2

Even for the undeniably powerful Mother Nature, creating something this arty wasn't easy! It in fact took 24 million years of painstakingly laying down mineral deposits to form these rocks, like pouring different colors of sand into a jar. Over time these weighty layers were compressed into rock, and then a slight and unthinkably slow ripple from the collision of the Indo-Australian and Eurasian tectonic plates rumpled the landscape into those magnificent undulations to complete the effect (meanwhile also giving rise to the Himalayas). Thus the amazingness of Zhangye Danxia was formed.

Zhangye Danxia 3

Zhangye Danxia 4

The rock-forms of Zhangye Danxia range in color from deep red to yellow and green, the highly contrasting bands of color glowing most intensely after rainfall. As the setting sun casts golden rays and a lacework of shadows across the landscape, the visual effect becomes even more stunning......!!!

Zhangye Danxia 5

Zhangye Danxia 6

See if you can spot the tourists......hehe!^^

Cancun Underwater Museum

Thursday 6 March 2014

Underwater Museum in Cancun, Mexico – Submerge yourself in one of the most beautiful and clear waters of the world, The Mexican Caribbean. Definitely something not to be missed!!!
Cancun Underwater Museum is located underwater off the coast of Isla de Mujeres and Cancun, Mexico. It is an underwater museum with a series of sculptures by Jason deCaires Taylor. The project began in November 2009 with placement of a hundred statues which had been previously damaged by storms, in shallow waters of the Cancún National Marine Park.

The sculptures are created with pH-neutral marine concrete and are based on members of the local community. The artist planned the sculptures as artificial reefs with fire coral planted in the initial sculptures. Soon, it is going to be home to one of the largest underwater museums on the planet, located in Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Forming this museum will be a series of underwater sculptural installations all sited within the protected National Marine Park, of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

Divers and snorkelers will have the opportunity to admire more than 400 original sculptures in depths ranging from 9 to 20 feetJason deCaires Taylor offers a contemporary and cultural view to people around the world of how the Mayan people have evolved through out the years in “The Silent Evolution”. This monumental installation consists of more than 400 life size figurative sculptures. Also located in the museum, near the island of Isla Mujeres, a sculpture entitled “The Dream Collector” will be submerged, along with many other unique master pieces.
The purpose of having this underwater museum is to provide the visitors the opportunity to visit our pristine natural reefs while giving the opportunity to see the gorgeous sculptures. Other than that, it helps the conservation of the natural corals a lot. This underwater museum also promote Cancun as a cultural and artistic developing area. This project can be continued as well because the growth of the project can invite many other fine artists for many years to come.
Being environmentally friendly, the sculptures are all designed to become artificial reefs and are constructed from special materials which promote marine life and create areas for corals and marine creatures to breed, take refuge, and this boost the local ecosystem. One more thing to mention is the appearance of the sculptures will change over time as the coral grows and marine life colonize the structures......

So, lets Mexico be your next vacation!^^ Believe me~ I am sure you guys will fall in love with it xD

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park

Wednesday 5 March 2014
What a surreal sight! 
If you ever travel to Brazil make sure to visit Lençóis Maranhenses National Park.

It located in Maranhão state, in northeastern Brazil, is one of the most marvelous and unique places in the world. An area encompassing about 1000 square kilometers of white silky sands intercepted at regular intervals by endless cool oases of turquoise lakes.


At first glance Lençóis Maranhenses looks like an archetypal desert. In fact it isn't actually a desert just like the Tottori Sand Dunes aren’t. Lying just outside the Amazon basin, the region is subject to a regular rain season during the beginning of the year. The rain water accumulates in the valleys in between sand dunes and forms clear blue and green lagoons that reach their fullest between July and September. The area is also surprisingly home to a variety of fish which, despite the almost complete disappearance of the lagoons during the dry season, have their eggs brought from the sea by birds. Mangroves, deserted beaches, buritis - a graceful kind of palm tree - and the Preguiças River help compose the park's diversity.


Lençóis Maranhenses has been formed over thousands of years, as the sand from riverbeds is deposited at the mouth of the rivers and brought back to the continent by winds and sea currents.



The dunes advance as far as 31 miles into the continent and stretch along 27 miles of coastline, mostly deserted beaches. Some of the lagoons at Lençóis Maranhenses National Park are huge. Lagoa Bonita and Lagoa Azul are near the town of Barreirinhas. Lagoa Tropical, also worth a visit, is closer to the village of Atins. Lagoa da Gaivota (Seagull Lagoon), one of the park's largest and most beautiful, is near Santo Amaro do Maranhão, a village located about 60 miles from Barreirinhas.

The best time to visit the park is roughly from May to September, when it's sunny, yet the lagoons are still full......




The Mysterious "Eye of the Sahara"

Tuesday 4 March 2014
When you think of an eye, chances are you don't think of a desert, right? Yet if you are an astronaut that happens to look down while orbiting over the eastern part of the Sarah Desert, then there it is staring back at you! The Mysterious "Eye of the Sahara"

The ‘Eye of Africa’ (also known as the Eye of the Sahara) lies within the large east-African country of Mauritania, out in the Sahara Desert. Properly known as the Richat Structure, it is easy to see where its nickname comes from. Looking at it from above, it looks a lot like a big blue eye staring out of the ground.
Satellite image of the Richat Structure

Location of the structure in Mauritania

Distant satellite image of Mauritania - the structure is just visible, even from this far away

It is about 40 kilometers in diameter, and as you can see from the above picture, it is highly visible in satellite pictures.  So, how was this geological wonder formed? Researchers aren’t entirely sure. It was initially thought to have formed as the result of an asteroid impact, but scientists haven’t found any evidence for extraterrestrial involvement, other than its circular appearance.
Zoomed-in image of the Richat Structure from Google Maps

Geologists now believe that it is most likely to be a very symmetrical ‘geologic dome’. Wikipedia’s summary of a dome is this:

In structural geology, a dome is a deformational feature consisting of symmetrically-dipping anticlines; their general outline on a geologic map is circular or oval. The strata in a dome are upwarped in the center; if the top of a dome is eroded off, the result will be a series of concentric strata that grow progressively older from the outside-in, with the oldest rocks exposed at the center.’

No matter what led to the creation of it, the Richat Structure looks amazing, and I’m hoping that I will get to go and visit it one day!! Do you wanted to go with me? ^^

The Lake Retba

The Lake Retba

Less than an hour away from the capital city of Senegal there is an unusual lake that will surely catch the unsuspecting visitor’s eye because of its unusual yet vivid pink color. You see all in pink!!! Can you amazing that??

Lake Retba (or Lac Rose as it is known by locals) is separated only by some narrow dunes from the Atlantic Ocean and, as expected its salt content is very high. Its salinity content compares to that of the Dead Sea and during the dry season it exceeds it.

Its distinct pink colour is caused by the Dunaliella salina bacteria, which is attracted by the lake’s salt content. The bacteria produces a red pigment in order to absorb the sunlight, thus giving the lake its unique colour. Its colour is especially visible during the dry season (which lasts from November to June) and less during the rainy season (July-October).

Not many living organisms are able to survive in Lake Retba because of its high salt content, so it serves mainly as a tourist point and for salt production.

In fact, if you decide to visit the lake, you will constantly see salt collectors working at the lake and the shores of Lake Retba are full of piles of collected salt. This salt is extracted by locals from the bottom of the lake using their hands, then placed into baskets it is transported to the shore where it is used mainly to preserve fish.

The lake is only 3 square kilometers big (about 1,1 square miles) and there is no major town developed along its shores.

When visiting the lake, you will be amazed by the contrast of the mountains of salt packed up next to the lake’s shore, the pink color of the lake’s water and the gold sand dunes on the other side of the Lac Rose......

Go to explore it!

The Secret "Tunnel of Love" in Ukraine

Monday 3 March 2014
After sharing a horrible place to visit!!!
Now, I am going to recommend a romantic trip for you guys, especially the couple......

The Secret “Tunnel of Love” in Ukraine

This is not a stage of any fantastic film. This amazing, dreamlike tunnel, called “Tunnel of Love” is located in the Ukraine, near Kleven. It’s like a “The Secret Garden”, only it is a tunnel passage for trains. Not just any train. Private trains are the only ones allowed in this exclusive passageway. 

India may have the Taj Mahal, and Paris is the city of love, but the Ukraine has this incredible, ethereal Tunnel of Love. Strolling hand-in-hand with someone special, these young lovers must be in one of the world’s most romantic spots!!! 

In addition to serving as a train route, the tunnel is used by lovers to make a wish – it is said that if they are sincere in their love, their wishes will come true......

The tunnel only measures just shy of 2 miles at 1.8, but it’s a breathtaking scene nonetheless. It was made over many years as the passing train molded the trees’ lines. The train turned a cluttered piece of woodland into a unique passageway as it traveled back and forth 3 times a day over several years.

If you are planning a trip to Ukraine, don’t forget to visit this magical ”Tunnel of love”! Also it definitely could be one of the most romantic places for weddings or betrothals......

The Beautiful Ending

The Island of the Dolls, the Creepiest Place in Mexico

Sunday 2 March 2014
The Island of the Dolls, the Creepiest Place in Mexico

"This is not a nightmare. It’s a real place outside of Mexico City, which for decades has been home to hundreds of decaying dolls"

Do you think dolls are creepy like Chucky of the Child's Play series?

XOCHIMILCO, MEXICO - The dolls are in the trees and on the ground, bunched together on wooden fence posts and hanging from clotheslines like laundry left to dry. Their dead eyes stare at you from half-empty sockets, their dirty hair hangs like cobwebs. Their skin is scabbed and peeling away, and their plump limbs are scattered everywhere—arms and legs strewn about haphazardly, decapitated heads impaled on stakes.

Mexico Doll Island 14

This is not a nightmare. It’s La Isla de las Muñecas, a real place located in a southern borough of Mexico City on a man-made island that for decades has been home to hundreds of dilapidated dolls.

Mexico Doll Island 08

The island was once the property of Don Julián Santana, a local farmer. Legend has it that in 1950 he saw a little girl drown in the canal and her spirit began haunting the place. Terrified, Don Julián started collecting dolls to protect himself from her ghost. He gathered them from trash heaps and hung them around the island like creepy Christmas ornaments. Over half a century, he collected more than 1,500 of these little horrors. The oldest is still there, hanging in a shed by the entrance. From afar, it looks like the decaying corpse of a child.

Mexico Doll Island 12

Santana died of a heart attack in 2001, and a small white cross near the water marks his grave. His cousin Anastasio now lives on the island, running it as a tourist attraction. “The spirit of the little girl is still here,” he says. “It’s important not to remove the dolls.”

At night, he says, they come alive. “They will move their heads and whisper to each other. It’s very spooky, but I have gotten used to it.”

Mexico Doll Island 13

Xochimilco is best known for its chinampas, artificial islands created by the Aztecs to serve as floating gardens where food was grown for the ancient city of Tenochtitlan. Tourists now flock to the islands, using gondolas to traverse the waters, eating, drinking and listening to mariachi music along the way.

Mexico Doll Island 11

A trip to the Island of the Dolls takes about two hours by boat and leads you through quiet green pastures where birds and farm animals graze. It’s a far cry from the smog and frenzy of Mexico City, a sprawling capital that’s home to roughly 9 million people.

Ghost stories and tales of the supernatural are part of the local lore here in Xochimilco. At Cuemanco, one of the docks from where the gondolas embark, there are numerous crosses and plaques dedicated to La Llorona, the “Weeping Woman.” Locals say she killed her children to be with the man she loved. When he rejected her, she drowned herself. When the islands are covered in fog, many claim the Weeping Woman haunts the area, crying out for her kids.

Mexico Doll Island 15

“Ghosts are very real,” Anastasio says. “Some of them are old, like La Llorona, others more recent, like my uncle’s dolls. It’s important to pay tribute to them.”

That tribute also makes for a nice tourist attraction—albeit one that will haunt you in your dreams!!!

Mexico Doll Island 07

Do you brave to challenge it??